Partner with PhysioQ

PhysioQ is committed to helping accelerate scientific discovery and we couldn’t do it without our partners.
Our Partners
Founding Partner
A health-technology company tackling the world’s healthcare disparity, Kiipo founded and sponsored PhysioQ's products. It also provides the AI and data collection infrastructure on which LabFront and NEO are built.
Hardware Partner
Delivering innovative GPS technology across diverse markets, including aviation, marine, fitness, outdoor recreation, tracking and mobile apps. Garmin has partnered with PhysioQ to provide top of the line fitness and health trackers for research purposes.
Research Partner
The Center for Dynamical Biomarkers (DBIOM) at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a major teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, is focusing on fundamental theory and novel computational algorithms for characterizing physiological states in terms of their dynamical properties.
Reasons to Partner with PhysioQ
PhysioQ is focused on supporting the pursuit of knowledge and advancement of scientific discovery. Partner with us if you believe in promoting the following:
Academic Research
Peer-reviewed research is key to scientific progress. PhysioQ is building the tools health researchers need to make their work easier, more efficient, and more impactful.
Citizen Science
Greater engagement in science leads to greater scientific progress. In empowering the general public to contribute in moving health science forward, grassroots citizen science movements have changed the landscape of science. At PhysioQ, we hope to add fuel to that fire.
STEM Education
PhysioQ is building tools to support STEM education in youth. We look to engage students early in their education to learn the wonders of scientific discovery and further their passion for health science.
Types of Partnerships
Hardware Partnership
Are you a wearable device maker? In working with PhysioQ you can further expand the reach and impact of your devices. Just open a couple of Bluetooth commands for us and we’ll do the rest.
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Corporate Sponsorship
Further your organization’s impact by supporting one of our initiatives while positioning your brand as a leader in scientific discovery.
STEM Education Partnership
Are you a science teacher or director? Would your students benefit from a hands-on experiential approach to learning about scientific discovery? PhysioQ offers a comprehensive, easy-to-use platform for both students and teachers.
What are you waiting for?!
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